yesterday was nene tan birthday so we go watching movie..alot ppl at star cinema all are full then we can only buy tiok the very front sit de ticket..haha we watch 'jin y i wei'' not bad that movie just i dont like the ending and there some funny of the ''wu jun'' part i think he not suitable for that charater and his clothes so funny ~ after movie i decided go drink with nene coz her birthday but their parent all want them back then i try to find lucas and he wif ah tiong at king center cofffe shop after that i go meet them after drink then back home ~
happy birthday to NENE TAN
yesterday was nene tan birthday so we go watching movie..alot ppl at star cinema all are full then we can only buy tiok the very front sit de ticket..haha we watch 'jin y i wei'' not bad that movie just i dont like the ending and there some funny of the ''wu jun'' part i think he not suitable for that charater and his clothes so funny ~ after movie i decided go drink with nene coz her birthday but their parent all want them back then i try to find lucas and he wif ah tiong at king center cofffe shop after that i go meet them after drink then back home ~
cny coming
新年就将来临,,很多事情忙如打扫,购物,弄头发等等!! 忙死了但很开心,,最爱过年了~可以买新年衣服,有红包拿,可以看见亲朋戚友,可以打扮美美,美食也很多,这样也是我回来的原因!!
回到古晋也有段日子了。。刚开始有点不适应这里的热。假期也没想像的那么完美,愿以为可以天天约到三五好友大家出来喝喝茶聊聊天的怎知大家都很忙,工作的工作,上课的上课,加上新年快到了大家可是忙到晕~所以我只好一直呆在家里帮忙打扫!但也不完全没出到这两个多礼拜~也见过了一些朋友,有的变了,有的还是和以前一样。也很谢谢帮我庆祝生日的好朋友们(玲,芬,滫)!! 也疯狂购物买了很多衣服和食物!! 剩下的两个礼拜我会好好的玩个够~要不然我的寒假就是个遗憾了T。T 听说我亲爱的表姐回来了~哈哈,,这样就有人和我一起玩了~最爱和表姐出了!! 每次和她出都玩到很开心!!
在这祝大家新年快乐!! 永远快快乐乐!!
回到古晋也有段日子了。。刚开始有点不适应这里的热。假期也没想像的那么完美,愿以为可以天天约到三五好友大家出来喝喝茶聊聊天的怎知大家都很忙,工作的工作,上课的上课,加上新年快到了大家可是忙到晕~所以我只好一直呆在家里帮忙打扫!但也不完全没出到这两个多礼拜~也见过了一些朋友,有的变了,有的还是和以前一样。也很谢谢帮我庆祝生日的好朋友们(玲,芬,滫)!! 也疯狂购物买了很多衣服和食物!! 剩下的两个礼拜我会好好的玩个够~要不然我的寒假就是个遗憾了T。T 听说我亲爱的表姐回来了~哈哈,,这样就有人和我一起玩了~最爱和表姐出了!! 每次和她出都玩到很开心!!
在这祝大家新年快乐!! 永远快快乐乐!!
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